Insights, Tips, and Tales

Lush Lawn Tips for Spring


Lush Lawn Tips for Spring

Lawn maintenance changes drastically depending on the season. The climate in which your lawn resides is a key factor in choosing a maintenance schedule for your overall lawn health. Below are 3 tips to preparing your lawn for spring success. And we even broke it down by climate

Warm Weather Grass (Alabama)

If you are thinking about a green lawn then November is time to overseed with ryegrass. However, if you are new to the lawn care world, consult a lawn care professional first to determine if overseeding is suitable for your warm-weather grass type.

1. Scalp Your Lawn

Scalping your lawn in the Winter is actually a good thing. Remove debris like leaves, fallen branches, and dead grass in order to prime your lawn for warm weather success. When springtime comes, the sun’s energy signals to your grass “It’s time to wake up!” and begin emerging from the dormancy period. If your grass is too high or covered in debris, the sun’s rays won’t be able to penetrate and warm the soil. Adjust your mower blades to less than an inch or as low as your mower will go to remove dead grass. Use a bagger to collect clippings instead of leaving them or mulching.

2. Apply Pre-emergent

Winter is the perfect time to test the soil to determine the chemical modifications that are necessary to make corrections to nutrient-deficient soil. Ideal pH balances vary based on grass type and determining the appropriate level. Use the proper post-emergent herbicide to kill germinating winter weeds like wild garlic. chickweed, dandelion. Read the label on each package of weed killer used to make sure native grasses go unharmed. If you have a lawn care service, professionals will continue your weed prevention schedule. Spring applications of Pre-emergent help prevent weeds from growing in the summer. If you are a DIYer, you can buy pre-emergent that halts the growth of weeds. Usually, these are combined with fertilizer. If you use a lawn care company, they typically apply two rounds of pre-emergent– the first round in January/February and the second in March/April.

3. Check your sprinkler system

Cold, dry winter months can compromise your sprinkler system. Test your automated or standard sprinkler system to find any damaged nozzles or lines by setting it up as you would during the summer. Make sure all components are operational. If you find any issues with your standard sprinkler system, repairs can be made easily and replacement parts can be found at your local hardware store. If you have an automated sprinkler system, contact a professional.

Cool Weather Grass (Tennessee and North Carolina)

Make sure your lawnmower is set to a height no lower than three inches. Taller grass is thicker grass which indicates deeper, healthier roots. Thicker grass also makes it more difficult for weeds to grow. The depth and health of grass roots are crucial for your lawn withstanding less than ideal conditions. For example, during a drought – like Alabama suffered this year – grass with deeper roots can help your grass live almost a month longer before dying.

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