Insights, Tips, and Tales

The Top 5 Scariest Bugs


The Top 5 Scariest Bugs

The Southeast’s bug population includes 5 scary bugs worthy of a Halloween film. Halloween is about cute children’s costumes, trick or treating, and candy. But, we also find time for monster movies that scare us year after year. The following bugs are real-life monsters and common home invaders.

Just like every good monster film, real life has a hero too. Waynes Pest Control is here to help win your fight with these real-life monsters.


If you have any questions about these scary bugs, call Waynes at 866.WAYNES1 or contact us here!


#5 Scariest Bug: Blood-Sucking Mosquitoes

Any bug that sucks your blood is a scary monster. Adult mosquitoes near the end of their life cycles around Halloween though, so they come in at #5.

Adults survive until the weather drops below 60 degrees Fahrenheit, so don’t let the first cold snap around Halloween fool you. Plus, their eggs can survive all winter in a half-inch of water. These blood-thirsty insects will be a threat for some time in the Southeast.

Still, mosquitoes are worse than any on-screen vampire because they carry infectious diseases. Malaria, Dengue, and West Nile spread from the bite of a mosquito.


Visit this page for more information about the diseases carried by mosquitoes.  


Prevention of these vampire-like insects involves removing their breeding grounds. Emptying water holders like bird baths and flower pots — and cleaning gutters is another good idea. Debris in gutters makes standing water that creates another breeding ground for mosquitoes. A bug repellent of 20% DEET will keep these bloodsuckers at bay.


#4 Scariest Bug: Hungry, Hungry Termites

Termites make our list at #4 on account of their property damage. These insects live in colossal colonies that eat 24 hours a day. They eat around 13 ounces of wood a day! Consider that one 2 by 4 is about 32 ounces of wood, and that means a termite colony can tear through the framing of a wall in about a month!

Zombies have nothing on these pests because termite colonies are highly organized. They cost American homeowners 5 billion dollars a year.


For more about termites, check out this previous post!


Prevention of termites happens by creating an inhospitable environment. Take steps to make your home unwelcoming to these gluttonous guests. First, seal cracks around windows and doors to prevent access. Then, reduce moisture in the home. Repairing any leaks in faucets or pipes will eliminate the moist environment that termites love.


#3 Scariest Bug: Revolting German Cockroach

German Cockroach appear at #3 because of their threat to your health. In a ghoul-like fashion, these insects spread their diseases because they crawl through the decaying material of life. These pests spread at least 33 different types of bacteria, 6 kinds of parasitic worms, and at least 7 other human pathogens. Of particular trouble are E. Coli and Salmonella. Symptoms of these diseases include diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

German Cockroach have a flat, oval shape with six legs and one pair of antennae. Also, two black stripes run along their backs.


To learn more about these diseased insects, check out this article. 


Regular house maintenance is the best prevention step against German Cockroach. Keep kitchen counters and floors clean and free of crumbs. Regular vacuum cleaning keeps attractive bits off the floor away from these infectious insects. Disposal of garbage in outside bins will keep your home from being a target for German Cockroach.


#2 Scariest Bug: Venomous Brown Recluse Spiders

At #2, we move to a bug that is both sneaky and dangerous. Freddy Kruger himself is jealous of the Brown Recluse’s stealth. These spiders can hide in the boxes of your attic for months without food or water. You can identify these pests because of a dark brown or black violin on its back.

Brown Recluse bites cause small red marks, which can develop into allergic reactions. In severe cases, a blue-grey or white lesion appears. If you get bit while pulling out those Halloween decorations, seek immediate medical attention.


For more about these venomous spiders, check out this article.


Preventing entry into your home is the first step to keeping Brown Recluses at bay. Install weather stripping around door sweeps and tight-fitting screens on windows and doors. Plus, sealing cracks and crevices around the home keeps entry points to a minimum.

Also, keep your house clean of clutter. Remove clutter from basements, attics, and garages. Then, shake out clothing, just to make sure nothing is hanging around.

If you have any questions about these hidden biters, call Waynes at 866.WAYNES1 today!


#1 Scariest Bug: Bone-Chilling Black Widow Spiders

No successful movie monster is complete without a good look. After all, Jason isn’t Jason without his hockey mask. That’s why our #1 scary bug is the Black Widow Spider. Not only does their shiny black appearance with unmistakable red hourglass belies look terrifying. But also, they rank as the most venomous spider in North America.

Their bites produce fever, increased blood pressure, sweating, and nausea. Typically, symptoms last 3 hours. However, death has been reported from these spider bites. If you get bitten, find immediate medical attention.


Read more about these deadly spiders!


Limiting entry points is the best defense against Black Widows. Installing screens and weather stripping will prevent these spiders from getting into your home. Removing old boxes and other unwanted items from dark corners gives Black Widows fewer places to make a home in yours. Even wearing a long-sleeved shirt while cleaning can prevent a venomous bite.


Waynes Is the Hero of this Story

Waynes is the hero for your real-life bug monsters. If you have any questions about the scary bugs in this post, call Waynes at 866-WAYNES1 or contact us here! 


From all of us at Waynes Pest Control, have a safe and Happy Halloween!

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